Jenny’s accreditations
- Certified Soul Regression Therapy® Asia Trainer – trained by Lorna and John Jackson
- Certified Soul Regression Therapist – trained by Lorna and John Jackson
- Soul-Numerology – initiator/founder
- Certified Advanced Diploma of Hypnotherapy-Psychotherapy – Hypnotherapy Learning Hub
- Certified Master Analyst – Universal Character Method of Human Profiling
- Certified Hypnotherapist, National Guild of Hypnotists™, Inc
- Certified Akashic Record Reading Practitioner – Intermediate Level
- Certified Master Practitioner Art Drawing-House Tree Person (Psycho-Analysis)
- Certified Master Practitioner Neo-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Soul Regression Therapy® Asia Trainer
Jenny Liew
Jenny has worked in the multi-international cosmetic brands’ industry spanning years across Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. It was while in Hong Kong that Jenny first realised that she has a spiritual purpose when she had her own personal Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives (LBL) sessions after reading the two classic prominent books on past life regression and life between lives by Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Masters, Many Lives) and Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls) respectively. It was through her personal LBL sessions that she received the understanding from the Spiritual Masters that she has a spiritual life purpose to realize. However, due to work commitment, Jenny then relocated to Singapore and stayed on for 16 months before she decided to quit her corporate job in the Asia Pacific Regional Marketing role and returned home to Malaysia after spending 6 years working abroad.
Upon her return, Jenny found out about the Soul Regression Therapy® course in Australia and was delighted to know that it offers both Past Life and In-between Lives (Afterlife) regression training in one training course. Jenny has always been ardent to learn these two regression techniques after having her own personal sessions. Upon completion of the training in Australia and personally trained by the founders, Lorna and John Jackson, Jenny was certified as the first Malaysian Soul Regression therapist. Again in March 2019, trained in Gold Coast, Australia, Jenny officially became the first and only Soul Regression Therapy® trainer aside from the founders, Lorna and John, specifically for the Asia region.
Jenny started by offering the services to family and friends and each fruitful session she had, her passions and motivation grew. From her website jennywithpeace.com, her local clientele gradually increased and also had some foreign clients within the Asia region coming to her for regression sessions.
Jenny also split her time going to Hong Kong to conduct therapy sessions for her friends and new clients’ referrals. While actively doing what she believes is her spiritual calling, Jenny realized that there are many out there who are seeking this type of therapy to find out more about their life purpose and directions, spiritual awareness and seek a deeper understanding of why certain issues that had happened in their life. It was then she envisioned the need to have more therapists that are easily accessible by those who are seeking such therapies locally here in Malaysia and also surrounding the Asia region.